
Nikon F2A + Tamron 28-200mm F3.8-5.6 Zoom Lens [READ]


Lens meter coupling type: AI (Automatic maximum aperture Indexing)
Maximum aperture coupling range: f/1.2 to f/5.6
ASA film speed range: ISO 6 to 6400
EV range at ASA 100 EV 1 to 17
Meter sensor type if applicable: TTL 60/40 centre weighed CdS
Shutter type and curtain material: Horizontal Titanium foil focal-plane mechanical
Shutter speed range: 10 to 1/2000 second (using self timer) + Bulb
Auto exposure modes available: None
Flash exposure type and maximum sync speed: Electronic flash 1/80 second
Interchangeable focusing screens: 19 + others by third parties
Interchangeable viewfinder heads: DP-11 as standard
Interchangeable backs: MF-10 (36exp) MF-1 & MF-11 (250exp)
Film advance method: Single stroke lever
Motor drive or Auto winder availability: MD-1 (5 fps) – MD-2 (5 fps) – MD-3 (2.5 fps)
Film rewind method: Manual folding crank
Self Timer: 2 to 10 seconds

Operation Condition (操作狀態):

Fully Working including Manual / Auto Mode except light meter indicator malfunction. 所有功能正常包括手動或自動快門系統會正常跟據光暗變化,唯提示不能顯示對應數值。

Lens Condition(鏡頭狀態):

No Scratch, No Haze, No Fungus

Appearance Condition(外觀狀態):

As Photo, 實物拍攝如圖
觀景窗有少許塵但不影響拍攝 Viewfinder little dusty but not affect shooting outcome

Sample Photos (相片參考):

*Actual Result varies based on lighting and film 

What’s Included(售後附送):

One Month Warranty (一個月保養)
One Free Film Processing Service(一次免費沖掃)

DELIVERY / PICK UP(郵寄/門市自取):

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